Fantastic work James but incredibly shocking. I will never ever understand the overwhelming desire of adults to justify and encourage at all costs, the indoctrination and mutilation of children in the name of ideology. That the ideology is so important to them that they are prepared to suspend reality, ignore evidence and twist the truth so that their pet project can continue, despite all the evidence of harm. I will never forgive these people.

Thank you.

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These BPS people team to me to be actually insane. I don't mean that simply as an insult. I mean that they seem to have no grasp on reality at all and that they are willing to say anything rude harmful spiteful or demeaning about those who disagree with them. One example of this is the way that, knowing they have no evidence whatsoever to discredit the Hillary Cass review, they simply resort to attacking it, weeping as they tell us how their heart bleeds for the poor children who will be prevented from having their lives enhanced by the beauties of surgical mutilation, a lifetime of dependence upon medication and unending pschological problems. These people at the BPS are just so ugly, and particularly because they know within themselves that they are simply talking nonsense.

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Excellent work, James, and very shocking what has happened to the once respectable BPS.

Glad you are back working and the new group sounds great.

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In my humble opinion more attention needs to be paid to the fact that the supporters of the transgender ideology, although appearing horribly malevolent in their desire to medicate and mutilate our children, are suffering from the very uncomfortable psychological condition of cognitive dissonance. That is to say they actually know that their beliefs are nonsense but having for whatever reason decided to commit themselves to the TG cause, they cannot bring themselves to acknowledge this, hence cognitive dissonance, so any reasonable discussion or debate with them is impossible because they cannot permit it for their sanity's sake --or rather for the sake of their model of sanity.

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